Il Foro del Cacao y Chocolate Latinoamericano
October 3, 2021 - Salon del Cacao y Chocolate Peru 2021.
We need to realize that our land use and our food systems have an impact on the problems that cause climate change and biodiversity loss. How can cocoa be a changemaker for social, economic and ecological resilience?
IASC Forest Commons Conference
September 17, 2021 - Forest Management by Farmer’s Commons.
“If there would not have been farmers the forest would have been gone long ago” - Alexander Solórzano, OSACOOP cooperative.
Nature Conservation versus Human Subsistence?
September 13 - 17, 2021 - IASC 2021 Forest Commons.
Around the world, primary forests along with their species-rich cover are rapidly decreasing, while agricultural land is expanding according to a growing world population. In less developed countries, rural populations largely depend on this agricultural land for their livelihood, while globally conservation policies are becoming more important to secure biodiversity. How can we combine agricultural production with biodiversity conservation on a global level?
If there would not have been farmers the forest would have been gone long ago
September 13 - 17, 2021 - IASC 2021 Forest Commons.
The farmers from OSACOOP – who are united through common resource management characteristics – consider that they depend on biodiverse agroforestry systems in order to coexist with the natural forest on and nearby their farms. They also protect their land against illegal logging activities. Therefore, they see themselves as forest guardians instead of forest “destroyers”.
Il Foro del Cacao y Chocolate Latinoamericano
September 19, 2021 - Salon del Cacao y Chocolate Peru 2020.
Transparency, traceability and blockchain in the cocoa and chocolate value chain. What problems can transparency help to solve? What is blockchain, how can it be useful in cocoa supply chains and what are the challenges? (min. 2:08:00)
There are no upcoming events at this time.